April 23, 2020 – April 25, 2020 all-day
Kalahari Resorts Poconos
250 Kalahari Blvd
Pocono Manor
PA 18349
Marissa LaBant
Pennsylvania Music Educators Conference - Poconos, PA @ Kalahari Resorts Poconos


First Steps in Music – Movement Development | Saturday 1 – 2 p.m.

The ability to move expressively to music is a skill that should be cultivated in children as early in their development as possible. This session will provide techniques and activities, from the research-based First Steps in Music curriculum, teachers can use to develop their PK-2 student abilities to move expressively and internalize steady beat.

First Steps in Music – Vocal Development |  Saturday 3:15 – 4:15

The ability to think tune is valuable to a child’s overall musical development. This session will provide techniques and activities teachers can use to engage their PK-2 student head voices and increase student ability to think tune.

Contact: Marissa LaBant | mlpeters@pmea.net |  pmea.net