November 1, 2019 all-day
Madison Public Schools
10 Campus Drive Madison
CT 06443
Gail Dahling-Hench
203 245 6323
CONVERSATIONAL SOLFEGE: A REFRESHER - Madison, CT Public Schools @ Madison Public Schools


The Conversational Solfege  curriculum examines a pedagogical method that develops music literacy. Based on models used to teach conversational foreign languages, this workshop develops an understanding of music through the use of rhythm and tonal syllables at a “conversational” level that gradually evolves into reading, writing, improvisation, and composition skills. This is a literature-driven curriculum. The sequencing of musical elements grows out of those tonal and rhythmic elements that exist in folk song literature. Each rhythm or tonal element is explored in patterns, songs, and themes from classical literature. Applications of conversational solfege range from elementary general and choral music courses to collegiate level choral, sight-singing, and ear-training courses.