Candidate for Treasurer, Jessica Corwin

Jessica Corwin has taught music in Massachusetts public schools for eleven years, currently as the Chorus Director and PK-6 general music teacher for the Hatfield Public Schools. For her work in Hatfield, she was a 2016 winner of the Pioneer Valley Excellence in Teaching Award from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. Jessica previously also taught in the Westford and Weston Public Schools and has used Dr. Feierabend’s methods ever since completing First Steps in Music training in 2010. She anticipates completing her Kodaly III certification with Dr. Feierabend at Hartt this summer.

A graduate of Oberlin Conservatory of Music and The Boston Conservatory, Jessica has worked to promote music education outside of her classroom in various ways. For the last three years she has served as the Treasurer and webmaster for local arts education nonprofit STArHS, Inc. In this position she has led numerous fundraising efforts, managed STArHS’ communications and online presence, worked with the board to award grants and scholarships, and is solely responsible for managing the organization’s finances. She has also been a regular blogger on music education topics for Credo Music for three years and was the violist and spokesperson for Larcom Strings, a string quartet dedicated to connecting local youth to classical music, from 2007 to 2012.

Jessica is an avid contradancer and has a particular interest and specialty in folk dancing and movement activities in the classroom. She met her husband at a contradance in 2005 and they have two children, ages 3 and 6.

I have always been interested in research and data. My husband teases me for always filling out customer satisfaction surveys, which I do in the name of helping to create useful data for businesses I patronize. Research helps to improve and optimize most things, not the least of which are music education and the future artistic lives of our students. My interests in research-based techniques and musical expression and authenticity led me to Dr. Feierabend’s methods, which I have practiced delightedly in my classroom over the last seven years. I am continually inspired by the effectiveness of First Steps in helping my students to become tuneful and beatful, but most powerful to me is the timeless musical repertoire and how thoroughly children can access its expressive elements to become artful as well.

First Steps in Music and Conversational Solfege are the framework from which I get to lead children through a joyful learning process each day. I truly believe that this is the best possible approach for a vibrant musical future for our country and world. It is clear to me that as a community, we need to continue to not only use but also actively share and promote these methods across our profession. I am eager to serve and support this mission for FAME and, after three years as treasurer for a local arts education nonprofit, know that I have the skills, experience and work ethic to serve as a highly organized and responsive Treasurer for FAME. I look forward to continuing to learn and collaborate with FAME members for years to come!